Mental Health is Just As Important As Physical Health
- October 01 2020
A National Government will deliver high quality mental health care that is accessible, timely and effective, regardless of where you live. Our Mental Health policy will deliver for everyone and will establish New Zealand’s first Minister for Mental Health to drive our mental health strategy.
We will also:
✔️ Strengthen our frontline with a primary care navigator in every General Practice
✔️ Establish a $10 million mental health support package for small and medium businesses where mental health has been identified as a concern
✔️ Fund life-saving mental wellbeing and suicide prevention workshops in our rural communities
✔️ Commit to a nationwide ‘Zero Suicides’ comprehensive multi-sector suicide prevention strategy
✔️ Invest in a $10 million contestable fund to establish free psychological first aid training
✔️ Require schools to deliver a skills based mental health and resilience training program from years 1 to 13
✔️ Fund a new, fit for purpose baseline study of children and young people to understand the context and conditions underpinning the mental health of New Zealand’s youth
We value mental health and to read more on our comprehensive policy, click here:…